Friday, 26 April 2013

King Kenny? Jackett unhappy with fans as Hulse leaves in disgrace

Finally, we got want we wanted.

Before 'Walls game against Forest, its been confirmed that Rob Hulse has had his loan spell cut short and has been sent back to QPR. Fans rejoice...

After poor performances it came to a head on Tuesday night when he was booed off as a sub and went straight down the tunnel.

Down Millwall, all we want is passion and give your all, you may not be the best player, but give your all and your loved, look at Jimmy Abdou for example.

It was just the way he played, you could tell that Hulse did not want to be at the club, he was just happy to pick up his 9K a week from us. No effort whatsoever, a target man who wouldn't jump or head the ball.

It's disgraceful that he managed to get a wembley appearance out of us...

Goodbye and good riddance to Mr Hulse, I'm sure he ran faster out of the club then he ever did on the pitch.

This only just highlights Jackett's failings this season. We could do nothing about Wood, he was always using us to get a better deal.

But to get rid of Henderson, yes he had his off-field problems. But look at our strike-force now...

Keogh,Marquis,Batt,Easter and Tyson.

They have 3 league goals in 2013.

KJ has majorly screwed up last january, we did have targets such as Steve Morison (No chance). But we ended up with over 30 no-goal scorers.

And the best thing out of all of the Hulse disaster, KJ is now apparently very unhappy with fans, after all, Tuesday was the breaking point.

I'd love to know how KJ can blame fans? He can't say that Hulse has been playing well. Fans are allowed to give their opinion. If players like Hulse can't take it, then tough.

KJ was "very unhappy". Now he knows how fans feel.

Dire home losses seem to come most weeks. With players just rolling over with no heart. Baffling tactics (changing from 4-4-2 to 4-5-1 at home). And seemingly pointless signings.

Tyson,Hulse,Saville, St.Ledger, Malone (but still young) and Woolford (Cup run disrupted starting place) .

But to very unhappy with fans for expressing a opinion, a very popular opinion... Maybe it's KJ putting a nail in his own coffin for a exit in the summer.

KJ has been untouchable to fans at times, but slowly but surely fans are realising the mistakes he is making. This seems to be the first time their has been true tension between fans and manager.

Do us all a favour KJ. Your still a decent manager, but don't blame fans for your bad choices. 

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